
Friday, June 22, 2012

Comments on LAST 211 Course

For the most part this course was how I expected it would be.  3 hour sessions are quite long and pretty hard to get through but overall it was manageable.  While taking this course, I was also taking AMAT 413, which is a higher level calculus course, as well as working about 30 hours per week at my job downtown.  By the time I made it to class at 6pm I had been up for a full 12 hours working and I was usually exhausted.  Taking that into account, I enjoyed learning about Latin American, even though I'm sure it may not have looked like it at times.  I was excited to learn about the fundamentals of Latin America such as history, popular culture, geography, art, etc.  I plan to travel through Latin America after I graduate and this course definitely helped me in deciding where I would like to go most.  I am a very avid skier and hiker so Southern Chile and Argentina, in the Patagonia area, are definitely at the top of my list.  Peru is also one destination I would love to hike through.  I am very excited to see some of the cultural differences between Canada and LA that we learned about in class.  I think the only way to really understand how people live in LA is to visit and see it first hand.  This course definitely helped to paint a vivid picture in my mind but I think the next step for me is to take a trip and check it out for myself!

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