
Monday, May 21, 2012

Maps of Latin America (Pre and Post Conquest)

Pre-Conquest Latin America:

Post-Conquest Latin America:


  1. Hello!
    It looks that you are getting a lot of information! That is great!
    I found some confusion on your maps. I need you to make (or find...I doubt you find one with all the info I request, but you are welcome to try) a map of the pre-Conquest cultures in the Americas, this includes indigenous groups that were living in the continent, specifically in the region that we all know as LA. Do not confuse that with cities or places of those cultures. Please do not map maya, inca or aztecs only, because I want you to look for those that we did not see in class.
    I also want you to focus in post-conquest indigenous groups, those indigenous societies that survived the conquest, the colonial times, and that exist today in LA.
    There is also another confusion, all Latin America is mestiza, not only those countries where indigenous populations declined. All countries contain mestizo populations and some of them indigenous groups too, so take down that map or change it for one that shows the indigenous groups from current times living in LA modern nations.
    If you have any questions, let's talk about it in class!! so far...great work!

  2. OH! Please change the name of the blog to your personal name! please do not use the name of the course!
